Sunday, February 18, 2007


Britney Shears

Well, at least now we know the carpet
and curtains match.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


The Estate Sale

There's an estate sale at Mom's this weekend. My brother, sister and I have all taken what has the most emotional resonance or practical use to us; everything else is just stuff. Old Christmas lights, Tupperware, tchotchkes, and furniture that the cats have clawed to bits -- who would buy that?

More people than I could imagine.

We're staying out of the sale organizers' way, but I couldn't resist driving by. Cars are parked on both sides of the street, and there's a steady stream of people going in and out of the house. Most of them seem to be very old, which makes me wonder...

Is there an "estate sale swap"? Do they buy something knowing it's just going to be part of their estate sale in a few months or years?

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Where's Gidney?

There are at least seven other people at my company who have my first and last name. Yesterday, someone in Toronto sent me an IM, thinking I was one of those other PJs.

His name was Cloyd.


I wonder if his parents were Rocky & Bullwinkle fans?

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Radar Love

Oh, Radar, why must you taunt me so?

I subscribed when you launched. You were no Spy, but you were fun and snarky. You went out of business.

A year or so later, you came back. Hooray! I subscribed again. And again, you went out of business.

Radar, we did this dance several more times. You left me again over a year ago. Then yesterday, you popped up in my mailbox offering me four bonus issues if I'd renew my subscription. Oh, you cocky bastard, in all the years I 'subscribed," I don't think I ever received more than four issues total.

Sorry, toots, I'm a smarter woman now.

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