Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Ice, ice, baby!

We in South Texas are weather wimps. Slightest threat of ice, and schools and roads close, and the grocery stores see a run on milk, bread & toilet paper. That's what happened last night and will continue through tomorrow. (The photo at left is of the railing on my balcony.)
I'm loving the cold weather and being able to work from home in my jammies, curled up with the cats. I'm not loving the round-the-clock news reports that are really nothing more than a listing of school and road closures.
The news did yield one funny tidbit, though... There's a convention of meteorologists in town. Most of them packed short-sleeved shirts and golf clubs.

Why, you sneaky monkey, you. You slipped in another post on me.

I just thought I'd stop by and post something while I'm catching my breath from my slippery ride in to work. Of course, once I got here I found only my boss's boss, who had also slogged his way in from Almost-Oklahoma.

Apparently, the office is closed despite the earlier announcement that we were opening at 9:00. I sure wish the people who decide such things would get their collective act together.

Guess I'll answer a few e-mails and head back north...
Regarding the meteorologists: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
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