Saturday, June 10, 2006


Groundhog Day

I get deja vu every time I pull into the parking lot of the grocery store. Granted, I am a creature of routine. I get my groceries at 6 a.m. on Saturdays (Yes, 6 a.m. I'm an early riser, even on the weekends.)

But it's not my routine that does it; it's the radio station I'm listening to. (Don't ask me to tune away; there's nothing else on.) The local college station plays a wonderful variety of music -- except at 6 on Saturdays. At that time -- and that time only -- they play the same song for weeks on end. Lately, it's been Pavement's Bring on the Major Leagues. Before that, it was a really creepy, Pink-Floydish version of Moonlight Sonata, and before that, it was an alternately hilarious and terrifying monologue by a woman discussing her single status. (If you can make it through the whole thing, you know why she's single -- she's batshit crazy.) It's tiresome. I used to love Moonlight Sonata. And Pavement? I Really. Don't. Care. that Magic Christians chew the rind.

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