Monday, February 20, 2006


Weekday Weirdness

Incident 1: It doesn't matter what time I leave in the morning or what time I get home at night; I always pass this guy coming from the opposite direction. He's pretty hard to miss: white beard, yellow Vespa, yellow reflective vest, and the biggest taxicab-yellow helmet I've ever seen. I'm being stalked, in reverse, by a hydrocephalic robo-chicken. Yeeeeeaaah, that's about right.

Incident 2: Also spotted on my way to work today: a guy riding a Segway. Actually, he was a Segway master, showing the grace and agility of an Olympic skater as he maneuvered around obstacles and over curbs. A beautiful performance; I just wanted to follow him around all day and make Jetsons flying car noises.

Incident 3: Some co-workers and I met with a trinket vendor. She handed out samples of a new goodie: a tiny plastic suitcase filled with chocolate covered sunflower seeds. Without thinking, (as usual), I blurted out, "Are these gluten-free?

Long pause.

Very long pause.

Vendor looks at me incredulously and asks, "Do you have celiac?"


The room erupts: Everyone knows someone who had just been diagnosed. So for the next ten minutes, we set aside discussions of foldable koozies and glow-in-the-dark Mardi Gras beads and talked about where to find gluten-free breads.

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