Wednesday, February 22, 2006


It Chops! It Dices!

And it temporarily allays your psychic demons! I first saw this knife block a year ago on an Italian design site, but couldn't order it anywhere. Now, it's available and I have to have it. OK, so its name is sexist and untrue. But wouldn't it be extra-satisfying -- after a tough day -- to see it in your kitchen?

Holy carp... that's hilarious! I wish I'd thought of it.

Come to think of it, it sure would be fun to have one of those around as a sort of pressure release. When that coworker or relative has gotten on your last nerve, just paste on their face before you unload the dishwasher and put away the cutlery.

Mua. Ha. Ha.
Ah, Foo, we are of like minds. I had my little list of faces to paste. But I just found out will not ship that item outside the UK. I HAVE to find a US distributor!
Come on, Peggy. You can't really be asking me to believe that an internet-savvy lady like you hasn't managed to make one or two cyber buddies in the UK who would be willing to ship you one. That or eBay UK.
Actually, I have some live, 3-D friends in the UK who know better than to give me sharp instruments! I did find a company in the US, though:
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