Saturday, November 12, 2005


Turning Japanese

1. Curse you, Fox! One of my favorite shows, Arrested Development, got the axe. This is particularly bitter coming almost immediately after its funniest episode yet. The key scene was a weird and brilliant salute to 1960s Godzilla/Gamera movies -- imagine Jet Jaguar going after a giant mole as it destroys a village, while horrified Japanese citizens look on. And despite all the clues, I never saw the payoff coming. Amazing writing, and I'm glad the show's first two seasons are on DVD so I can watch over and over again -- and catch all the things I missed the first few times.
2. OK, it's expensive and impractical, but I want a mochi maker. Whole Foods sells slice & bake mochi, but it's a little rubbery, so I'd like to make my own. Plain mochi filled with chicken salad... cinnamon mochi filled with cream cheese (mixed with a little Bailey's). Mmm... mochi.

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