Friday, August 12, 2005


For Worse, For Much Worse

I know, I know... It's only a comic strip. But the latest storyline in For Better or For Worse has really got me steamed. Patterson daughter Liz has been getting some dangerous and unwanted attention from a co-worker. Stalking and attempted rape -- just what I want to see in the funny papers with my morning cup o' tea. OK, I'll give Lynn the benefit of the doubt... maybe she's trying to make a statement.

yesterday's strip, Liz was doing a pretty fair job of fighting off her attacker, until the last panel when an arm comes out of frame and gets him in a headlock. Who could it be? Oh, hell -- longtime readers know darn well it's geezer Anthony, Liz's first love. What the heck is he doing at her workplace? Was his spidey-sense tingling?

Today's strip was the pits. Anthony twists the guy's ear and makes him apologize?! And then LETS HIM GO?! Jeez, Anthony, hold him down while Liz dials 911, fercryinoutloud! But possibly even worse was the last panel. Anthony says he finally found something worth fighting for. Umm... hey, guy -- what about your wife and kid? Lynn -- exactly what statement are you trying to make?

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