Monday, May 26, 2008


Yes, I'm Alive... Just Quiet

A couple people have wondered where I've been and why I haven't posted. It's simple: I just haven't had anything to say. Life's been coasting along at a pleasant pace -- nothing to do cartwheels over, but nothing tragic either. So, here's some leftovers from spring cleaning:

1. Very cool photo retouching site -- just mouse over to see the before & after.
2. Very creepy photo retouching site. If you want your child to have that Children of the Corn/Little Miss Glamor Pageant look, this is the site for you. (Scroll down and go through the "Total Makeover" packages.::::shudder:::::)
3. Comparison of the foods styled for fast food commercials vs. what you really get. (Again, ::::shudder::::)
4. Bison!
5. Adorable baby polar bear videos.
6. Locations from the Hitchcock classic Vertigo, then and now.
7. If you're ever stuck in an abandoned summer camp with a bunch of teens and an axe murderer, here's what to do.
8. Finally, another career path for the Dark Lord of the Sith:

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